
Friday, June 3, 2016

100WC (French Statue)

One year ago I went to a french restaurant and saw a person sitting on a bench, I decided to go sit next to him. It turned out that he was a french statue made out of french clay, but I still wanted to have a staring contest, he one but he is a statue. But then he blinked and then he put his arm on the side of the bench. Later that night I decided to break into the restaurant and see what the french statue could do. And when I wasn’t looking he came and stood behind my head.


  1. Hi Gus

    That is really funny what the statue but maybe next time you could tell me what the statue did when he stood behind you.

    From Chris
    Awahono school

    1. Hi Chris,

      I really liked reading your comment. I didn't say what the statue did when he was behind me because I wanted to leave some suspense going through the reader's head also I already did 100 words and I'm only allowed to do exactly 100 words.
      Thanks for the comment.

      From Gus
      Yaldhurst Model School

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that is a funny and a bit creepy to


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