Here is Temple Basin it was one of my favorite memories from this Year. We were looking at Mt Rolleston when the cloud parted.
This is a record of my learning during my time at Yaldhurst Model School.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Prototec Graph
From the start of Term 4 Rimu class have been doing Prototec. It is a basic facts maths site.
We have been doing Prototec because we can choose what level of maths we want to do and it also help with our basic facts. Here is the Prototec link, you should give it ago. Prototec
We found an easy way to record our scores; so we made a graph using google drawings it’s a fun and easy way to record our scores. I think I did well with achieving 100% in stage 7 maths; although it did take 6 tries.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
My Speech
This term we have been writing persuasive speeches; my persuasive speech was about why we shouldn't be forced to write speeches and why we should get the option instead. This week at school we had a speech competition throughout the school 2-3 students from each year level got to present their speeches.
My favourite speech that was presented yesterday was Shjon's speech, although everyone's speeches were amazing. We had to write speeches because it helps with our writing skills and its part of the writing curriculum. Here is my speech hope you enjoy; comment down in the comment section about how you think I did with presenting.
Friday, September 16, 2016
My 2016 Digi Award
This year for my digi award I was working with some of my friends; Base, Emily, Katie, Paige, Jorja and myself. This years topic was 'To be the change' we focused on the subject movie making and we made a movie about, why people should stop bullying and how it affects others around them. Last night on the 15th of September my sister and some of her friends one first prize, the first prize winners got a virtual reality google cardboard. Here is the video that we created, if you enjoy our video comment down below what you enjoyed and why.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
My First Cantamaths Experience
On Wednesday the 24th of August 7 students from Rimu and 1 student from Kauri went to Cantamaths, there was 1 Yr 8 team and 1 Yr 7 team. At 4:00pm the Yr 7 teams had to go down from the stands down into the floor area for the runners to choose a table. Shukoor was our Yr 7 team runner; he chose a table that was in the middle of the area. At the end of the 30 minutes they counted the scores and the Yaldhurst Yr 7 team ended up with 20 points, they did really well for their first time.
At 5:00pm the Yr 8 team went down to the floor area for the runner to pick a table. The Yr 8 runner was me - I was the runner and I chose a table on the far left which I thought was a very good idea because I had a slightly shorter distance to run, (well that's what I thought anyway). I thought it was a good idea because I thought we would end up getting more points and it did work, at the end we had a total of 75 points; we bet our school record by 40 points! That’s 8 questions more than last year. Half way through it, someone stopped running in front of me so I had a stubbed toe for 15 minutes and running with a stubbed toe hurts a lot! There was no way to change runners because once you’re a runner you’re always a runner. Here are some photos from the night. This was our Yr 8 team score, here is a photo of our score. This was what our Yr 8 team score was. Here is a photo of our best Yaldhurst score. 
Also here is a photo of a team banner that some friends and I made together as part of the Cantamaths display exhibition.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Our Olympic Inquiry
This term our class have started an Olympic inquiry. The first thing we did was take a test on what we already knew about the Olympics on Kahoot and we explored different video clips and things, then we had to think of 50 questions and choose 8 of those 50 questions. From here we will be whittling down to 4. These are my top 8 so far:
1. Why are the Olympics called the Olympics?
2. What is the point of the Olympics?
3. How old is the Olympics?
4. How many countries participate in the Olympics?
5. What drugs affect the Olympics the most?
6. What were the first events at the Olympics?
7. What is the Olympics creator's name?
8. Where was the first Olympics held?
1. Why are the Olympics called the Olympics?
2. What is the point of the Olympics?
3. How old is the Olympics?
4. How many countries participate in the Olympics?
5. What drugs affect the Olympics the most?
6. What were the first events at the Olympics?
7. What is the Olympics creator's name?
8. Where was the first Olympics held?
If you can think of any more Olympic related questions tell me in the comments so I can see your ideas. I will be answering these questions throughout the term.
My Term 3 Timetable
This term our school value we are focusing on is being a Responsible Citizen. This means in Term 3 I will be focusing on sticking to my own timetable. This also means that we are getting better at self managing our learning and we will be better with using our time. This is important because later on in life we will hopefully be better at using our time better. What do you think? Any tips?
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