
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My Long Jump Technique

I think I did well with my take off and my landing.
We are trying to get a really good jump.
We are doing this because we want to be the best we can be at long jump.

Here is what I did for my jump:
1. I did my run up.
2. For my take off I bent my knees for better momentum.
3.For my landing I put my legs forward first and kept balance by putting my arm in front of me.

A tip for the run up for you I would say get as much speed into your run for a better jump. A tip for the take off bend your knees on the middle of the mat. A tip for the landing push your arms and feet forward to get a better jump.

Next time I will work more on my take off and my landing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gus,
    Wow! Your really good at long jump, How did you learn to jump like that?.


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